It’s the little things that matter. What are your favourites?

Something light for a Monday.  To quote Maria, these are a few of my favourite things:

Favourite type of day: One where I have nothing to do, and can get up when I want, because waking up in the morning is slow and torturous, and I never feel like I’ve had enough sleep.

Favourite part of the day: Getting home from work and putting my pyjamas on, knowing that I don’t have to go out of the house again until (at least) the next day.

Favourite treats: Costa coffee; glass of Sauvignon Blanc; repeats of Big Bang Theory.

Favourite surprises: Being brought a coffee without asking (cos you don’t need to ask!); new Gü flavours on special offer; being taken out for dinner unprompted when I can’t face cooking.

I’m quite a simple creature really, and I notice most of my favourites include food, drink or relaxing! 🙂  What are some of your favourite things?

© Catastraspie, 2012.

English: Cup of Costa coffee.

English: Cup of Costa coffee. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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6 Responses to It’s the little things that matter. What are your favourites?

  1. rebecca2000 says:

    I wrote about my favorites once and food today. Great minds.


  2. Mados says:

    Being engaged in some sort of interesting project (e.g. writing, researching), having all the uninterrupted time that I want and my cute dogs around for good company, a cosy kitchen with coffee, access to a calm & interesting private outdoor area, laptop, Internet connection… I have all this at home! (except not all the uninterrupted time that I want)

  3. Heather says:

    Totally relate to your type of the day and part of the day. My 8 to 5 job drives me NUTS! When I get home and on weekends I don’t want to see anyone!! Thanks for the great post.

  4. Pingback: Favourites | blah blah blah

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